Procedure for collection, storage, processing and use of personal data in accordance with GDPR requirements ( )
Collection of personal data (full name, contact information, passport data, data of the Certificate of Registration of an individual entrepreneur, place of residence and others) is carried out through official collection points, namely: e-mail and other officially registered information collection sites.

Information is stored only on servers and computers belonging to the jetixagency project and its organizers, with possible use of technologies ensuring proper protection and storage of personal data.

Processing of personal data after their receipt at the official collection points is carried out only by the project organizers. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to process personal data.

It is allowed to use personal data only directly for realization of the jetixagency project goals.

The protection of personal data is ensured both by the data protection implemented during the creation of the Project website and by the personal security guarantee of the Project organizers who have access to them.

IE Ruslan Popov is directly responsible for the protection and processing of personal data and, if necessary, has the right to involve other Project organizers and/or a specialized organization to solve these tasks.
Personal data will be deleted from the Project database upon request of the client/employee/partner.

Personal data report shall be maintained in any form in the form of registers/partnership agreements approved by the Project organizers, which shall necessarily indicate: list of personal data, date of receipt of personal data, date of inclusion in the personal data register, date of destruction of personal data, date of modification of personal data, date of transfer of personal data to third parties and the legal basis for such transfer, Note.