promotion for an aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw
  • Attract targeted inquiries through the main website (previously, ads were directed to separate pages for specific services).
  • Develop and manage an Instagram profile to increase activity and attract clients via Instagram Direct.
  • The clinic had previously run ads before working with us, so the primary goal was to generate leads at no more than 300 Czech crowns.
Women aged 20 to 70, as our services cover a wide segment
Analysis of Current Advertising Campaigns
  • Conducted a competitive analysis and identified key advantages.
  • Reviewed the client’s previous advertising campaigns, highlighted important aspects, and excluded unsuccessful duplicates for further development.
Preparation of Advertising Campaigns in Facebook Ads and Instagram Profile
  • Designed the profile (cover design, highlights, feed posts).
  • Selected three main services to promote in the first month: blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, and platelet-rich plasma therapy. Campaign settings were based on these requests.
  • Blepharoplasty was targeted at all of Poland and Germany, considering the high level of trust in the clinic and reasonable market prices. Other services were advertised only in Warsaw.
  • Developed 5-7 different advertising creatives for each segment and launched them to the Polish audience. Instagram profile (stories and feed) also emphasized these services.
Launch and Initial Analysis
  • Tested all the main services provided by the clinic.
  • Selected the best combinations of ads and settings to achieve KPI and maintain the quality of inquiries.
  • Optimized advertising campaigns on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Identified profitable groups and campaigns that bring targeted inquiries.
  • Increased the budget to 1200 euros per month.
  • Low cost of services (market average but cheaper with discounts).
  • Individual approach to each client.
  • Free online and offline consultations with any specialist.
  • The client’s advertising campaign before us aimed to "collect leads" using a lead form, but its performance was unsatisfactory: the quality was questionable (more than 40% non-targeted inquiries) although the number of cheap leads (up to 18 PLN) compensated for this. Subsequently, the cost began to rise due to burnout and unchanged offers, making the campaign unprofitable, so it was turned off.
  • Initially, we launched an advertising campaign with the goal of "conversion" on the main site, but the audience went to other subpages and forgot about our offer. As a result, we received no inquiries at all.
  • It was decided to focus on separate landing pages for services (blepharoplasty, hair platelet-rich plasma therapy, lip augmentation). These pages provided detailed descriptions of each service, reviews, prices, and a call to action "sign up for a free consultation".
  • The advertising campaign for the landing pages was set to "conversion". The conversion from ad click to inquiry averaged 4-5% (compared to 1% on the main site).
  • By changing the landing page (from the main site to landing pages), we reduced the cost per inquiry by almost half - from 60 PLN to 35-40 PLN. The quality of inquiries significantly improved (the proportion of non-targeted inquiries decreased to 15%).
  • 4120

    inquiries from the website, Instagram, and Facebook
  • 375

    bookings for consultations leading to the purchase of the main product
  • 800%

    ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend)
  • €128K

    total revenue generated through advertising campaigns
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