1200 Requests at a
Cost of €1.38 for a Massage Salon
Developing a marketing strategy on Instagram and testing comprehensive advertising campaigns on Facebook Ads aimed at increasing the client base and fully booking the salon. Previous advertising campaigns only brought likes and a small number of followers as the work was done through the "promote" button in the Instagram profile.

Target audience – girls and women aged 20 to 50 who aim to:
  • Lose weight and get their body in shape.
  • Improve the condition of their skin.
Created a performance strategy and developed a media plan.
Proper preparation is the key to success in 70% of cases. We studied the initial data, conducted a competitor analysis in Prague, collected the best offers, and based on them, created our own offer, which turned out to be competitive.
Preparation of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads
  • Campaign setup: Based on the analysis of the target audience provided by the client, we collected the optimal settings for advertising campaigns.
  • Geographic targeting: For ad display, we chose a radius of +5 km around the salon as the services are quite common, and the audience is unlikely to travel across the city even with a good offer for the first visit.
  • Graphic content: As the main graphic, we predominantly chose videos showcasing the work process as they usually receive the best response.
Testing audience segments: We tested several audience segments
Determining key segments:
  • First segment: People who are already familiar with the services of a professional masseur and want to resume procedures with another master.
  • Second segment: People with a sedentary lifestyle who want to try professional massage for the first time.

Effective response: Both segments showed the highest efficiency in the age range of 24-45 years.
System creation: Developed a system that, with monthly support and control, ensured more than 300 requests per month.

Conversion: Out of the received requests, at least 100 consistently turned into new clients for the salon.

Quiz landing: Additionally developed and successfully integrated a quiz landing page, which contributed to further scaling the traffic.

  • 1190

    Requests interested in massage services
  • 318

    Clients who came for a massage at least once
  • €1425

    Total advertising budget over 4 months
  • €41300

    Earned through the advertising campaign
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