1620 Requests for
Laser Hair Removal in 12 Months
Test Period:
  • Conduct testing of two landing pages (quiz landing and profile) to determine the most conversion-efficient platform where all subsequent traffic will be directed after testing.
  • Efficiency indicators (KPI) were not established as this niche was new to us, and the client had not previously conducted any advertising (neither in search engines nor on social networks). The main task of the test period was to obtain initial inquiries to assess the quality of the requests and the ability to forecast their quantity in the future.

Tasks starting from the second month:
Attract at least 100 potential clients (leads) using the profile and quiz landing page with a minimal budget of 1500 Kč (576 euros).
  • Edited the description to immediately convey the essence of our offer to potential clients.
  • Updated the eternal stories (highlights) to bring them to a unified style that matches our positioning.
  • Published 9 posts in the feed that detailed the procedure and addressed the main objections of potential clients
  • Developed conversion offers (headings) to increase the number of users who reach the end of the landing page and leave their contact information.
  • Created a question chain that allowed the manager to process requests knowing the individual preferences and skin characteristics of each client.
  • Connected integration for exporting requests to Telegram and email to process cost calculation requests for laser hair removal as quickly as possible and avoid situations where the client loses interest (forgot, no longer interested, etc.).
  • 1472

    Requests received from the quiz landing page
  • 938

    New Instagram followers
  • €0.8

    Cost per request
  • 103

    New clients who visited the salon at least once
Do you want a consistently high occupancy for your salon?
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